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Contact us

China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Jiangsu Sub-council
ADD: 8F-9F, No. 50, Zhonghua Road, Nanjing, China
Zip: 210001
Tel: 0086-25-52856444 (UTC+8 8:30-17:30)
Fax: 0086-25-52233048
Email: en@ccpitjs.org
URL: en.ccpitjs.org
Jiangsu Chamber of International Commerce
ADD: 36F, No. 50, Zhonghua Road, Nanjing, China
Zip: 210001
Tel: 0086-25-52856774 (UTC+8 8:30-17:30)
Fax: 0086-25-52312470
URL: www.coicjs.org

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