>About JiangSu>Introduction>About Lianyungang
About JiangSu

About Lianyungang

LIANYUNGANG In the 20 years after reforming and opening to the outside world,Lianyungang has gradually formed a new structure of all-round positions,multiple levels and wide fields. Owing to the gradual improvement of the infrastructure and the remarkable amelioration of the investment environment,Lianyungang was awarded "One of The 40 Chinese Cities with Best Investment Environment" in 1992. It has established friendly relationships with cities of Japan,Korea,Australia,New Zealand,Russia,and 18 districts,cities,and states of 9 along-Continental Bridge provinces of China. Clients from 35 countries and regions in the world have set up more than2000 cooperative projects in Lianyungang. Some top world 500 enterpreses,such asU.S. Dupont,French Roquette come to invest and set up companies. The Continental Bridge International Information Center set up by three ministries of the country has established relationships with more than 30 countries and regions in the world and 40 cities from 10 provinces in china. Jiangsu Provincial Government has planed to build Lianyungang into one of the three regional international business centers in the province,which created advantages for promoting the opening standard and providing better service for the development of the surrornding and inland areas.

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